Experience the power of Pilates with focused core strength!

Enhance your overall body fitness with controlled movements and a focus on core strength. Pilates improves your posture, flexibility, and body awareness while promoting relaxation and stress relief. Enjoy a tailored workout designed to strengthen your deep muscles and support a healthy, balanced body.

    • Small training groups of up to 6 people
    • Always with a trainer present
    • Only 45 minutes, once or twice a week
    • Emphasis on core strength and pelvic floor
    • Effective exercises for back pain relief
    • Integration of breathing techniques and mindfulness
    • Use of mats and specialized equipment
    • Suitable for all age groups and fitness levels
    • Strengthen your entire body with gentle, controlled movements
    • Enhance flexibility and improve body balance

Pilates for all – Fit and healthy at any age!

Donaustraße 12-13,

89407 Dillingen an der Donau

09071 7285441

09071 7285442

09071 7285443

Opening Hours:

Monday-Friday : 8:00-20:00

Saturday : 9:00-14:00
